jennifer rhode design

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hank is perfect

hank is perfect. he sleeps through the night and always wakes up in a good mood. he is super quiet…he has only ever barked at his own reflection in the piano or when he is trying to play with another pup. (so maybe he won’t make the best guard dog?) he sleeps A LOT so i am still able to get work done. he is perfectly happy to binge watch the crown with me. he allows my daughter to dress and and undress him in his various hoodies and weird little outfits she creates. he hops around the yard like a bunny and thoroughly enjoys the simple things like chewing sticks and sniffing mulch. like me, he is a bit lazy… on our last walk he would only go as far as one and a half houses (and in my neighborhood the houses are very close together!) before he sat down and refused to go further. i had to carry him the one and a half houses back home. and of course, he is absolutely the most ADORABLE little guy you’ve ever seen.

he does have two minor flaws… his farts can bring tears to your eyes. honestly, they are otherworldly - worse than anything a grown man who has eaten a hot curry can produce. also, he likes to eat his own poop. this habit has forced me to pick up his production when it is still warm (which is DISGUSTING and is a testament to how much i love this dog) because if i wait for it to harden or freeze he usually finds it before me and gobbles it up like a tootsie roll. i always feel conflicted when he’s found one, because of course i don’t want him eating feces, but i can’t fathom putting my hand in his mouth and pulling out wet, partially chewed-up poop.

but the other day, he did the unthinkable… he peeped on the sofa.  and not on the sheepskin i bought especially for him… right on the upholstered center cushion. before he moved in, i had thought this type of behavior would put me over the edge. but he was just sitting there next to the wet circle staring at me with his big, soulful eyes and rotating his giant ears around and i didn’t even mind.  well… i DID mind a little, but not nearly as much as i thought i would.



If your pet at home leaves you a surprise urine stain on your favorite couch or chair, have no fear – there is a way to remove it. And the faster you act, the better!

    1.    Blot the urine stain using a cloth. Be careful not to spread the stain onto other parts of the furniture.

    2.    Mix one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid with two cups of cold water in a small bowl. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to the solution and gently stir.

    3.    Dip a clean, white cloth into the solution. Gently sponge the urine stain, working from the inside to the outside of the stain.

    4.    Using a dry cloth (with no solution), gently blot the affected area until it’s dry.

    5.    Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the urine stain is no longer visible.

    6.    If the urine stain is still visible after repeating these steps, apply a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the stain using an eyedropper. You can follow by applying a few drops of ammonia to the stain as well.

    7.    Using a clean cloth, dab the area with cold water until the chemicals are removed.

click here to read more about hank’s misadventures