jennifer rhode design

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father's day

from the time my first baby was born, we have always given his father something with his hand touch for father’s day. we started with theo’s tiny hand print on a tee shirt. in subsequent years, we put his hand or foot print on the interior of hats, the front pocket of pajamas or a button down shirt and numerous jackets. when lucy was born, we added her print too. we began strategically placing the prints in locations that only the wearer knew about, when we realized that some of the items were only worn around the house. 

some years i encouraged the kids to use BOTH their hands and feet on a big canvas (the trick is removing the artist before the paint gets too muddled and brown!) 

theo’s first large scale work, 9 months

lucy had a clear vision of the palette and color balance, 2 years

the last couple of father’s days, the kids have collaborated on art pieces to give their father. one was a damien hirst-like finger painting. we taped off the canvas with blue painter’s tape in rows and theo and lucy took turns making finger dots. 

last year, lucy wanted to emulate jackson pollock… so we laid out a canvas in the backyard and she and theo splattered away… amazed at the way the addition of various colors altered the piece. 

happy, happy father’s day to you all!

* this mother’s day the kids gave me a sun hat with their hand prints on it… i think it is my all-time favorite gift… perfect for the relentless boulder sun! x0x

to read more about father’s day click here